Thursday, March 5, 2020

Atoms, Modal Verbs and Phrasal Verbs An English Listening Exercise

Atoms, Modal Verbs and Phrasal Verbs An English Listening Exercise If youve been taking our English classes for any time, you probably already know that modal verbs and phrasal verbs are some of the most difficult things to learn. Weve done a lot of lessons to explain them, including a video series on English modal verbs.Recently I was watching this TED Ed video on the size of atoms and noticed that it had a lot of modal verbs, and a few phrasal verbs as well. Its a really interesting video, with great animation. You can watch the video below, and then try to answer the questions in the exercise. Fill in the gaps with phrasal verbs or modal verbs. You can put your answers in comments, and well let you know if theyre correct.1. You probably already know that everything is ____ __ __ little tiny things called atoms.2. You _____ even know that each atom is made up of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons and electrons.3. Lets ____ __ each of the atoms.4. You _____ remember the old pictures of atoms from your science class.5. If you ______  _ ___ the blueberry and ____ searching for the nucleus, ___ be invisible.6.  So, if everyone on the earth _____ their own car, and they dont, and you put all of those cars into your box, that _____ be about the density of a nucleus.Reading questionsHow big would the nucleus be if you made the atom the size of a football stadium?What do you think the gorilla in the background is a reference to? (Hint, it is related to another scientific experiment). Mariz  Hi Paul, it is certainly a good exercise! I have a friend whos teaching an ESL course I will refer this to her. The students for sure will like this ?? LOIEnglish Thanks Mariz! Im glad you enjoyed it. How did you do on the the exercise? Anna Pfitzner COULD you publish the tapescript as well?

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